Our Cape Cod Real Estate Services | Pretty Picky Properties
Chatham & Orleans Properties rent Friday to Friday during Summer Months

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If you’re an owner considering selling, you’ll be interested to know that we are often the first to hear from discerning rental guests about an interest in purchasing. If the match is right, it may be possible to arrange an “off-market” sale at significant savings in both hassle and cost for both buyer and seller.

In addition, working closely with our partner company, Monomoy Real Estate and Construction, we can often suggest an unconventional, more creative path to a successful sale than you’re likely to get from a traditional Cape Cod broker. It could involve renovations or upgrades that will more than pay for themselves in a faster sale at a better price. It could involve a period of rentals to generate significant income to defray carrying costs until a sale is completed.


If you don’t own on the Cape, but have entertained the idea, you may be interested to learn that Pretty Picky founders, Karen and Jim Decker, decided to buy a few years back. Not only do they covet their cottage on the beach, it was the single smartest investment of their lives. The property has returned more than its purchase price in rental income. As an asset, it has quadrupled in value. As licensed real estate brokers, and a member of the Cape Cod and Islands Association of Realtors, we have ready access to the Multiple Listing Service that we monitor on a daily basis. In fact, a first step we recommend to prospective buyers is this: have us create a Pretty Picky Insider Intel(SM) Report, an update of MLS just-listed and just-sold properties that fit your customized preferences, automatically sent to your email periodically. It’s the new, low-impact way to become tuned in to the opportunities of Cape Cod ownership. Please contact us to get your free Insider Intel Report started. If you’re interested in buying or selling on Cape Cod, you’re invited to leverage informed advice from the one-of-a-kind vantage point of the Pretty Picky/Monomoy Team. We are eager to serve you as you consider either buying or selling on the Cape.

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